Sunday, February 11, 2007

Proud to be an Indian!

As i write this post, i am watching a program on Japan National televison(NHK) about the amazing Indian growth story.

The program talks about the Indian education system showing snippets from primary classroom about students learning maths, the role of IITs, and more importantly the growth of IT sector in the last few years.

It shows teachers in a primary classroom teaching multiplication tables of 17, it also shows students at IITs discussing a solution to a real life problem, and of course the Infosys campus budding with its young engineers.

These programs are building the brand of NEW INDIA. Gone are the days where India bought pictures of the snake rope trick and elephants crossing roads. India now for a foreigner means IT, IIT and growth.

Well, The economist might say India is Overheating but at this moment i am just proud to be an Indian!